Friday, September 19, 2008

Arnold church of Christ

We have a new program at the Arnold church of Christ. Over the next couple of weeks and months we will be updating our technology department. With this update we have started a blog that I will be posting on. The blog address is and you can link to it from this page. Josh Robinson, our new preacher is responsible for this so you all should thank him. He will also be posting on the blog and already has. So head over to the Arnold church of Christ blog.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Iraq War

After viewing this video I was literally stunned. I have spoken to several men who have been to Iraq and know a couple personally and have heard the same thing this guy is saying. I do not post this in support of McCain but it is defiantly anti Obama.

I think it would be more meaning full if it didn't have the little "support McCain" slogan attached to the end but it is none the less powerful.

You can view the video here

After you view the video I hope all will realize the truth to this. It is true of our country but also true of our Christian walk with Christ. No victory comes with out sacrifice.

Paul tells us in I Thessalonians 4:11 esv "that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hand as we commanded you." Also see Titus 3:1. Remember the persecution the first century Christians had to go through and suffer by the Roman government. I struggle with verses like this in the bible that are telling me to be respectful and obey governments that may or may not be in step with the bible. I know that God's law is higher than man's (Acts 4:19-20) and should obey God first. We are charged with the duty to respect the governments that rule over us (Rom. 13:1-7) but keep to the law of God first.

Having that said, if you are a Christian and slander our governing authorities (this included both Senators from Illinois and Arizona, Democrats and Republicans, past, present and future Presidents). Combining what the bible says about respecting authorities and participating in our constitutional rights of protest, freedom of speech, and voting rights is possible. It is possible if we do it with respect. I feel the above linked video is respectful; but slander, crude jokes and such are not.

As a Christian my first prayer is just what Paul says in I Thess. 4:11 (as quoted above). If we keep our same freedoms of worshiping God the way he tells us and continue to have a whole host of other freedoms than we should count our selves blessed over most countries in the world.