Sunday, September 9, 2007

Prayer Group and the Redneck

I started a new program at Arnold tonight called Prayer Group. Very original, I know. Basically what we are going to be doing is, well, praying. I worked up a kind of prayer journal for the kids to use. The idea is for them to write down things they are thankful for, concerned about, any prayers that have been answered, or goals they have. Then as they pray use the book to remind them what they want to pray about or to look back on what they have already prayed for. I am real excited about it and hopefully the kids will like it and embrace the group.

Last night I felt right at home. We went to a wedding in the middle of no where. It was out side and muddy so we had to park a long ways away then were carted to the location in the back of a pick up truck. There were people wearing rubber boots and a bluegrass band was playing at the reception. Classic redneck, I went home missing home.


ronduh said...
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ronduh said...

Andy Pandy
Andy Pandy
Andy Pandy....

Yay! You're on blogger now!! Which is nice b/c xanga has been blocked for all us HU folk anyhow...sigh

Unknown said...

hey andy!!!! i'm glad that you found me!!! :) now I have another blog to read! :) i miss you!

AlphaTau37 said...

I do not envy your participation in a funeral.

Andy said...

It took me a moment to figure out what funeral you were talking about. On a separate but equally amusing note. The first three letters of funeral spell fun.

Anonymous said...

And-O I can't wait til the day I run into you and sweet Erin here in the STL, just wait it will happen soon or later... I just hope I'm not doing anything bad when it does...hahah ... Love you buddy boy!!

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell ya but no matter where you are in live and how happy you might be there will always be things that make you miss home. For the soul fact home will always be home:0) I love you guys and hope things are still going well. hug and kiss your beautiful wife for me.