Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Weak Minded

Raise your hand if you think it was cowardly of JK Rolling to wait until all of the books were out and the sells went down for her to make the “BIG” announcement. If she was really wanting to make a statement she would have either written it into the books or informed the world long ago. If she really believed that it doesn’t make a difference if you are a homosexual or heterosexual than she would have been straight with the details from the get go (no pun intended).

On a separate note did you all hear about the transvestites who went in dressed in nun outfits to take the “holy sacraments” from a bishop? Guess what happened. Not a single thing. In a country where we are given the freedom of religion and the right to assemble without persecution that is pretty sad when a group working to gain “equal rights” does so by denying another group of there rights.

Friday, October 19, 2007

I Remember.

I haven’t forgotten about filling those of you in on the apostasy I received at Harding a few weeks ago.


I’m about to venture on a trip with 6 boys and 1 girl to an unknown camp for the weekend. It should be a lot of fun.

On a separate but equally important note I just wanted to say . . .

Dashing and daring,
Courageous and caring,
Faithful and friendly,
With stories to share.

All through the forest,
They sing out in chorus,
Marching along,
As their song fills the air!

Gummi Bears, bouncing here
and there and everywhere!
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears!

Magic and mystery,
Are a part of their history,
Along with the secret of gummi berry juice.

Their legend is growing,
They take pride in knowing,
They'll fight for what's right
In whatever they do!

Gummi Bears, bouncing here,
and there and everywhere!
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears!

They are the Gummi Bears!

Erin and I watched a few episodes on DVD this morning. She bought them a while back for me because I used to love watching them. It is fairly entertaining.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bible Belt Apostasy

The Harding lectures were everything I hoped they would be. I got a little truth mingled with apostasy. What a tasty treat it was. It leaves a kind of bitter-sweet after taste. Of course the “boat”, as they say, was not rocked. I haven’t the time to go into any of the details at the moment but I assure you they will come.

While in Searcy I did get to spend a good deal of time with the family and friends. We stayed with Casey and Kayla and that was nice to see there apartment and to be so close to campus. I think Erin wants to get separate beds now that we slept in two different beds. Wayne of course put all of his work off until Tuesday night so he could hang out. Bryan hung out a little bit but he had to work a lot. Jenny took off Tuesday and got to hang out some. Erin, Kayla, and Jenny went to lunch. Tuesday morning Wayne, Casey, and I went to Bobby’s for breakfast. It was glorious. Also we went to Little Rock for dinner and Josh showed up after work. That was nice.

I bought some DVD’s on sexed. They are great.