Friday, October 19, 2007


I’m about to venture on a trip with 6 boys and 1 girl to an unknown camp for the weekend. It should be a lot of fun.

On a separate but equally important note I just wanted to say . . .

Dashing and daring,
Courageous and caring,
Faithful and friendly,
With stories to share.

All through the forest,
They sing out in chorus,
Marching along,
As their song fills the air!

Gummi Bears, bouncing here
and there and everywhere!
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears!

Magic and mystery,
Are a part of their history,
Along with the secret of gummi berry juice.

Their legend is growing,
They take pride in knowing,
They'll fight for what's right
In whatever they do!

Gummi Bears, bouncing here,
and there and everywhere!
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears!

They are the Gummi Bears!

Erin and I watched a few episodes on DVD this morning. She bought them a while back for me because I used to love watching them. It is fairly entertaining.

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