Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Life and Times of Joseph, the Encourager

Many know of this man named Joseph, but know him by another name, Barnabas (Acts 4:36). We read here in Acts that Joseph was called “son of encouragement” by the apostles, which means Barnabas. Immediately, his name speaks volumes of the man’s character because it was not his given name, but a nick name given to him by the apostles of the Lord.

From the word go, this Levite from Cyprus (Acts 3:36) was a giving man. We are told in the next verse that he sold a field and gave the money to the apostles to distribute as they saw fit. What an example for both the believers of his day as well as for us.

The next time we here of Barnabas is in Jerusalem aiding a fellow Christian (Acts 9:26-27). The man he was helping found himself in quite a predicament. The man Barnabas helped was Paul; the persecutor formerly known as Saul, who relentlessly imprisoned and murdered members of the church but now turned Christian. When all others wanted to avoid this murderer of Christians, Barnabas went out on a limb to reach this new born babe in Christ. What a leader, example, and encourager he was.

Barnabas accompanied Paul on many of his missionary journeys until an argument caused them to go their separate ways. In Acts 13:13, Paul and Barnabas left for another mission trip with John Mark, who was Barnabas’ cousin, but for some reason Mark turned back. It was not until Paul and Barnabas were planning another trip that there was a disagreement between the two friends. Paul wanted to leave Mark behind but Barnabas wanted to take him. Even apostles argued (Acts 14:14) and even fell short and sinned (Gal. 2:11-13).

This is not the end of our story, Paul, Barnabas and John Mark were eventually reconciled in 1Cor. 9:6. Through out the book of Acts, we see this man Joseph popping up, risking his life for the sake of Christ (Acts 15:26) and called “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and Faith” (Acts 11:24). You see, no one remembers a man named Joseph from Cyprus, but every one remembers Barnabas the Encourager. By the power of Christ and His blood, Joseph was transformed into this man who encourages still so many today. What is Christ transforming you into (Rom. 12:2; 2Cor. 3:18)?


Wayne said...

Andy, what does "pirate poet" mean?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.