Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Weak Minded

Raise your hand if you think it was cowardly of JK Rolling to wait until all of the books were out and the sells went down for her to make the “BIG” announcement. If she was really wanting to make a statement she would have either written it into the books or informed the world long ago. If she really believed that it doesn’t make a difference if you are a homosexual or heterosexual than she would have been straight with the details from the get go (no pun intended).

On a separate note did you all hear about the transvestites who went in dressed in nun outfits to take the “holy sacraments” from a bishop? Guess what happened. Not a single thing. In a country where we are given the freedom of religion and the right to assemble without persecution that is pretty sad when a group working to gain “equal rights” does so by denying another group of there rights.


Anonymous said...

My thinking is that the whole popular harry potter phases was coming to an end so why not stir up something to continue the phase. Who knows just me thinking which sometimes is scary! Hug that beautiful wife who is my sister and tell her I love her!

Anonymous said...

I was sitting at home wondering about a foul smell that was coming in to the room. I thought it was an unflushed turd but then I realized might be Andy Mcdonald.
Don't be a turd give your neighbors a call
Dave B 3142218337

don't forget Amanda B, you can find her on my myspace page