Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bible Belt Apostasy

The Harding lectures were everything I hoped they would be. I got a little truth mingled with apostasy. What a tasty treat it was. It leaves a kind of bitter-sweet after taste. Of course the “boat”, as they say, was not rocked. I haven’t the time to go into any of the details at the moment but I assure you they will come.

While in Searcy I did get to spend a good deal of time with the family and friends. We stayed with Casey and Kayla and that was nice to see there apartment and to be so close to campus. I think Erin wants to get separate beds now that we slept in two different beds. Wayne of course put all of his work off until Tuesday night so he could hang out. Bryan hung out a little bit but he had to work a lot. Jenny took off Tuesday and got to hang out some. Erin, Kayla, and Jenny went to lunch. Tuesday morning Wayne, Casey, and I went to Bobby’s for breakfast. It was glorious. Also we went to Little Rock for dinner and Josh showed up after work. That was nice.

I bought some DVD’s on sexed. They are great.


ronduh said...

at first I thought you bought "sexed" DVDs instead of Sex Ed. (see the space there?) Lol. Sorry Andy...I just had to poke fun..

BTW, what are you talking about? Harding's such a conservative school...hahaha

Mark said...


If you've never seen the ghost of Artie Kendell on Conan O'Brien performing his classic songs about culture in the 20's and 30's, you're missing out. Because I'm too afraid to post these on my own blog, I present them to you as a comment on yours. :-)


Oh, women shouldn't learn to read or write
they should just have babies morning noon and night
and if they want careers
we should round them up like steers
and lock them in their kitchens good and tight'

Oh, women shouldn't be allowed to vote
I'd rather hear opinions from a goat
They're clearly all insane
we should just remove their brains
and send them out to sea and sink the boat

Oh, women shouldn't be allowed to talk
We should fill their mouths with strong adhesive caulk
And if they try to write things down, we should drag 'em outta town
and ostracize their legs so they can't walk

Oh, women shouldn’t get to go to school
Anyone who educates them is a fool
Instead of reading books
They should focus on their looks
And carry men’s possessions like a mule.

Oh, Roosevelt says we should help the poor
But I say they’re no better than manure
Instead of giving them a hand
We should confiscate their land
And make them live like rats in the sewer

Oh, Irish men pour whiskey on their meat
And they always wake up face down in the street
After booze goes down their throats
They all have sex with goats
So their kids have cloven hooves instead of feet

Casey McDonald said... was our pleasure having you. i look forward to your return in November. the T.V. awaits you.