Wednesday, August 20, 2008

American Health Care

Just a thought. I know there are a lot of holes in this argument but here it goes...

Health care should be manditory in the USA. If you don't have any you will still be treated but will be slaped with a fine (just like neglecting to have car insurance). If you fail to pay then your wadges are garnished or thrown in jail. I realize not all can aford insurance but I truly believe health care cost will drop if hospitals did not have to over charge insurance companies to compinsate for those who did not have insurance or did not pay. It is ludicrous that I have to pay hundreads of dollars to compinsate for those who demand service then walk out on the bill. Why is car insurance mandatory but not health care. Keep in mind I did not say; nor do I anticipate ever saying, the government should provide it. Try that one on.


Mark said...

2 Thoughts:

There have got to be some more affordable options for some people. The preacher at my congregation has to spend $14,000/year on his insurance, which has very minimal coverage. He's basically uninsurable, and this is all he can get. Not to mention that this is only his insurance...he has to purchase other insurance for his wife. It's just not affordable.

Also, part of our problem is all the people trying to get rich from suing the pants off of doctors. Doctors charge a lot and make a lot, but they also pay out the wazoo for insurance of their own in case they are accused of malpractice.

So much of our problems comes down to a bunch of greasy lawyers, in my opinion.

dmarks said...

"Also, part of our problem is all the people trying to get rich from suing the pants off of doctors."

That is how John Edwards got rich.